Quotes by Pastor Lawrence Oyor

If you’re not preparing for what you’re praying for, you’re setting yourself up for delay.
We must stop being Christians who get discouraged when the answer doesn’t arrive in twenty-four hours.
You can wait and not be patient, but you can’t be patient and not wait.
Power Of Expectation
Before attending a meeting, listen to what God has done through the man of God—that’s how to build expectations.
If you are not expecting answers to prayers, it shows that you don’t believe God is willing or able.
There is no anointing so great that lack of expectation cannot cut short.
Assurance In Prayer
You can never pray amiss when you pray in the Spirit.
Much prayer births much results; if you want to make progress, experience breakthrough and touch deeper realms in God, you must pray more.
Don’t expect anything you haven’t said.
Whatever has access to your ears has access to your heart and life.
If none of your friends challenge you to be better, you are in the wrong circle.
Any limit you see in your life is not God’s fault; what you are conscious of is what you experience.
Seeing in the Spirit
Don’t just paint pictures of the results, paint pictures of the sacrifices you have to pay; if your soul and spirit are united in seeking God, your body will follow suit.
Never waste moments of prayer; journey with your mind as you pray.
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