Welcome to the Davidic
Generation Church





Welcome to the Davidic
Generation Church





Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!   Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!   Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! !!! Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!   Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!   Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!  Happy Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary!!!

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

At Davidic Generation Church, we see culture as the wisdom that preserves values. We believe in communal lifestyle, family living, and the importance of honour in maximizing relationships. We believe in the power of God and its intrinsic capacity to change lives.

Meet Our Pastors

Lawrence and Darasimi Gomba-Oyor

Lawrence Oyor is a young and passionate lover of God whose sole drive is to see a generation of young people consumed with hunger for more of Jesus. He consistently desires and pursues a deeper walk with the Holy Spirit, which is the inspiration for his relentless drive to invest time in communion and prayer.

Lawrence Oyor has been used by God to bless the body of Christ with many songs among which love for God, desire for greater light, and revelation of the ways of God are consistent themes.

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