
At Davidic Generation Church, the least of us is like David and the greatest of us is like God.

Healings, Miracles, Signs and Wonders

Pastor taught us about faith and how God is waiting for us to take that step in faith. I decided to act on that word as I received it as a direct instruction, so I stepped out that week searching for a property to rent for my business. I knew I needed a large space and what that would cost in my desired area. I kept searching, and then on Tuesday, I found a place.

 I was to pay ₦‎ 1,100,000, and I didn’t even have up to 50k in my account then. I collected the owner’s account details in faith and told them I’d send the money. I was expecting that the money would come in miraculously, my hopes were so high, but then, I didn’t get any alert. I decided to apologize to the owner and mention that I was working on it. To my greatest surprise, I was told that a payment of #500,000 had been made in my name. I checked the credit alert, and it looked like I transferred from my account. It was hard to tell anyone that I did not make that transaction.

God is indeed faithful. Thanks so much, Pastor, for teaching us the truth!

Elblessing Okorie Peters~

God has been using my hands to heal sicknesses as the hand of God. Someone with pain in her breast got healed after praying for her. I have been experiencing immense favour in my business. Praise God!

~Abraham Joseph Aogo

“I thank God for the strength he has given me through Pastor Lawrence’s teachings. I traveled home, and within two weeks of my stay, I became a problem solver for children and adults around me. Also, I applied for a job, and among the six people who were interviewed, I was favoured. I also want to thank God for restoring my mom’s health and helping my sister’s business.”

Ajayi Lydia~

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