
Ajayi Lydia~

“I thank God for the strength he has given me through Pastor Lawrence’s teachings. I traveled home, and within two weeks of my stay, I became a problem solver for children and adults around me. Also, I applied for a job, and among the six people who were interviewed, I was favoured. I also want …

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~John Adegboye

In 2021, I had anxiety disorder with chronic depression. The medical practitioner who observed me told me that if my heart kept piloting itself at that rate, it could burst at any time. After a while, I began to have stroke symptoms on the left side of my body. Depression made me isolate myself and …

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Foluso Okelola~

During January 2023 BAR, I received an assurance that I’ll be breaking beyond a particular limit on my finances. On 3rd February 2023, Pastor Victor Akuwa gave me the same word. I received it with joy and kept trusting Jesus. January, February, and March passed, but I kept trusting Jesus, remembering one of Pastor Lawrence’s …

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